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    Inviting Jesus into our Horror

    The Horror of Abuse I recently discovered an extremely healing prayer method, touching areas I didn’t know existed and areas I thought could not be made well. It is enormously simple, consisting of just one question. I only have to ask, “Jesus, what door of my heart are you knocking on?” And, of course, he is knocking at the door of my heart. Revelation 3:20 says: Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with me. WEB Now that I know to ask that question, I ask…

  • Devotions
    Anxiety,  Devotional,  Peace,  prayer,  Prayers

    Knowing Shalom: A Devotional Series

    I have always understood shalom to mean peace. But that definition is as limited as comparing a child’s drawing of a flower to a rose in full bloom, its fragrance lingering in the air. Shalom is a way of life, one that weaves the power, grace, and truth of who God is into the very fabric of love. But, unfortunately, our interactions with peace are rare in these noisy times. But to participate in shalom is to surrender oneself wholly to the presence of God. Such surrender can happen during a fight with a spouse or dealing with a demanding boss as well as when sitting in a patch of…

  • Abundant Life,  Self,  Self Awareness,  Self-Acceptance,  Self-awareness,  Self-forgiveness,  self-improvement

    Godly Self-Care: Learning to Live Whole

    Self-care is often the source of disdain for Christian bloggers. Sometimes they have a point in that much of self-care advice is shallow and merely a diversion from the actual underlying issues that cause us suffering. I have nothing against pedicures, chocolate, soothing music, or hot baths. But I truly believe that self-care, in its proper sense, is absolutely godly and even more of a command than a suggestion. The human is the crowning glory of creation, whose central injunctions are to steward the earth and make more humans. I hate those memes suggesting that humans are an invasive species or a virus from which nature suffers. But in all…