
  • objectification
    Abundant Life,  Faith,  Relationship with God

    Objectification: 5 Kinds that Harm our Faith

    Objectification, for most of my life, meant little more to me than car ads with beautiful women and calling pretty girls hot tamales. I knew it was bad in a vague sort of way without connecting it to myself. It wasn’t until I saw a therapist years after my divorce from a narcopath that I began to see that I had turned myself into an object. A good object, but still an object. My therapist looked at me dead on and said one of the most significant things anyone has ever said to me. Alice, you are not a tool. It dawned on me then as it still occasionally dawns…

  • christianity
    Belief,  Calvary road,  Faith

    Four Signs of a Formulaic Christianity

    Christianity, like any other religion, has its formulas. I am not talking about the basic foundation of the church on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is not a formula. That is a fact. I am talking about the ways in which Christians strive for right answers or formulas to apply, myself included. Religion is a seductive siren. She promises all sorts of answers to the unanswerable. Religion offers a way out of wrestling with God. And wrestling with God will happen if you are trying to follow Him carefully. I am going to tackle the four formulas most often promoted. And my issue with these is not…

  • Abundant Life,  Faith

    How to Move Mountains

    I live in full sight of Highland Mountain. Just one of the many in the Chugach range, it sits at 3360 feet according to the internet. While not a particularly tall as mountains go, nevertheless the Alaskan sun can barely peek over it in winter. To me, it looks primitive and wild, like the old black and white pictures of Alaska that I used to look at as a child. Squat and rugged, Highland Mountain, as minor as it is in the realm of mountains, seems immovable to me. And yet it has been moved several thousand times in the last couple of months. Each aftershock shimmies up the mountain,…