
  • faith

    A Vision of Faith: Walking on Air

    I don’t often share my personal revelations that occur in my prayer times, much less the occasional vision that comes. But this one seems like it has a broader message than just my own little life. The pastor at my church is speaking on faith this month and so my focus lately in devotions is on Hebrews. The first revelation that God downloaded to me this month is that faith is not merely believing that He will do what He has promised to do. Faith isn’t just the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I say ‘just’ with a grain of salt. After all, the…

  • Featured,  Taking Thoughts Captive

    Thoughts Hijacking Your Emotions? How to Fix That…

    I want to start this post by pointing out that nowhere in the Bible does it say that we need to take our emotions captive. And yet, the scripture that tells us to take our thoughts captive is often misinterpreted to mean just that. The reason why lies in the fact that we are rarely taught to differentiate our emotional life from our thought life. Though they are two sides to our soulish coin, the difference between thoughts and feelings is profound. You see, we don’t choose our emotions. We can choose what we do with them, but emotions arise from bodily reactions to events. In fact, I am not…

  • vulnerability
    Featured,  Vulnerability

    The Intense Vulnerability of God

    For most people, vulnerability is not the first word that comes to their mind when they think about God. Usually, people go one of two directions: theological or personal. The theologically minded say words like omnipotent and omniscient. Those who take a more personal route to God say words like loving, good, and grace. But for me, as I move in a direction ever closer to Him, I am regularly astonished by His vulnerability. Genesis leads with God crafting a world and then humans made in His image to live in it. Not as dolls in an elaborate dollhouse or puppets to be manipulated on a stage. He makes humans,…