
  • Heart,  Imaginative Prayer,  prayer,  relationship

    Prayer as a Competitive Sport

    Sometimes it is possible to read too many books on one subject.  One’s head gets filled with all theory and no practice.  I found myself in this position a number of years ago when I had read as many books on prayer as I could get my hands on.  I became very sensitive to the various approaches to prayer and observed carefully the people around me as they prayed.  Some seemed to be in earnest, actually too earnest, as if trying to prove their sincerity. Others shouted at the devil, and still others read long and eloquent prayers out loud.  The cool pastors were all very casual as if talking…

  • laughter,  relationship

    Learn to Laugh with Jesus: Experience Joy with Him

    Sometimes I laugh at the Bible and its crazy stories. Learning to read and digest the Bible on one’s own is sometimes one of the most difficult tasks a Christian takes on. The Bible is filled with extreme stories and occasionally we read a story that makes little or no sense to us.  I was reading Joshua and came upon such a story.  Before Joshua would allow the Israelites to go into the Promised Land and begin the process of claiming it for their own, he required each of the men to circumcise themselves. I really couldn’t help but laugh at this and shudder at the same time. They had…