
  • Bible
    education,  language,  Revelation,  Spiritual Maturity,  Telling the Truth

    How the Bible Reads You When You Read It

    The Bible is intertextual. In literary theory, the term intertextuality refers to the interrelationship between texts, especially works of literature; the way that similar or related texts influence, reflect, or differ from each other. And just as many works of literature reference the Bible, whether knowingly or unknowingly, we, too, are texts that interact with every book that we read. Think of it this way. I am a collection of experiences, memories, and acquired knowledge. I have a library in my mind. As I read any work, I access this library of the mind and interact with whatever I am reading. In a sense, everything I read is now understood in a whole new way. I create a new book that no one has ever read before, at least not…

  • basket,  Grace,  light,  names of God,  Revelation,  Strong tower,  Tower

    At the Foot of the Strong Tower; a Revelation of Light

    My youngest calls me by my first name.  Many mothers would find this disrespectful, but it is needs must with us.  You see, I don’t always answer to Mom.  I’m a writer, and so I spend a lot of my time in the whirl of ideas in my head.  For some reason, the word, Mom, doesn’t always pierce my consciousness. But float out the name, Alice, and my attention is yours.  I have been a parent of six for thirty years, so I have no excuse or reason why this would be so.  Fortunately God is not as scatterbrained as I am, and He has names for us to call…