Start Living Your Eternal Life
The Lord recently gave me a picture of the eternal in a prayer time. I like to picture myself standing with Him in a shallow river. I gradually give Him my burdens which I carry in baskets on my back and He, in turn, sends them down the river. But this time, the river looked very different. The water was deeper, darker and flowed much faster. While I could see to the other shore, it lay much further away than my little prayer river. Jesus was larger, too. He sat in the river and though His legs were bent, they reached clear over to the other side. He beckoned, so…
The Care and Feeding of the Human Spirit
For most of us, the line between soul and spirit is an amorphous one. In fact, many use the terms interchangeably. However, I believe they are two separate, though not unrelated, parts of our identity. Just as God exists in a trinity, so do we, being made up of body, soul, and spirit. Because of this, I think a quick definition of the soul and the spirit is in order. The soul is the seat of your thoughts and emotions. The soul often receives a bad rap. To behave in a soulish way is Christianspeak for acting poorly. But the soul is an important part of our makeup. We spend…
In Defense of the Gift of Emotion
*I am reposting this blog about emotion because of a contemptuous response I recently received on Twitter. They castigated me for my post about feelings and positive thinking, informing me that being a Christian is about having faith, not feelings. I chose not to respond to them, but my heart often breaks for Christians who feel they must cut off their emotional lives. No wonder our art is not longer the driving force in the world, as it used to be. Emotions certainly must be filtered and examined. But in the end, while love is a decision, it is also a feeling. I wouldn’t marry a man who did not…