• revelation

    Revelation: How to Open the Eyes of Your Heart

    Revelation is a curious occurrence.  The word itself means a disclosure of information by a supernatural source in most dictionaries. As I played with the word, I broke it into two parts, ‘revel’ and ‘elation’ because they describe how I feel when the Lord shows me something I did not know before. I’m aware that the word’s root is about revealing but I don’t believe that all word constructions are accidental. I revel in the revelatory. Though God has opened up scriptures or whispered pieces of wisdom to my spirit, a particular revelation comes to mind when I go through my catalog of spiritual happenings. I attended a conference at…

  • Heart
    Heart,  Holy of Holies,  Holy Place

    The Road to Jerusalem is in Your Heart

    Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.  Psalm 84:5 The heart is often under attack in the church.  It seems that one verse in Jeremiah stands for the whole of scripture’s stand on the heart.  “Your heart is deceptive and desperately wicked,” preachers tell me, but then I am told to guard my heart, for out of it comes the wellsprings of life, according to Proverbs.  Seems contradictory. The New Testament is kinder to the heart, telling me to love others from the heart, to love God with a pure heart, and not to lose heart.  And if my heart condemns…