• inherited trauma
    Epigenetics,  Generational Memory,  Inherited Trauma

    Epigenetics, Inherited Trauma, and You: The Ghost of Generational Memory

    The study of epigenetics and generational memory, at least as far as its relationship to trauma, is fairly new. Without going into a poor scientific explanation of what epigenetics is, I will merely quote Dr. Jackie Hackett from the University of Cambridge. He says point blank that “…research demonstrates [that] genes … retain some memory of their past experiences.” This quote is from a book entitled, It Didn’t Start With You, by Mark Wolynn. In this book, he encapsulates quite articulately the most recent research on inherited trauma and epigenetics. The most basic explanation is that trauma does not affect the DNA sequencing itself, but the actual function of the…

  • listen
    Imaginative Prayer

    How Do I Know God Will Listen to Me?

      For years I believed that I needed to make God listen to me. We have this unfortunate tendency to overlay the image of our parents onto our beliefs about God. So just like my father, I imagined God as benevolent but distant and preoccupied. But also like my father, once you got His attention, it was a laser focus where you would discover all your previous misconceptions. This was both good and painful. Having a bonafide genius for a father has its benefits and drawbacks. The only fight I remember my parents had on a regular basis was the one where my mother was trying to get him home…