• faith

    A Vision of Faith: Walking on Air

    I don’t often share my personal revelations that occur in my prayer times, much less the occasional vision that comes. But this one seems like it has a broader message than just my own little life. The pastor at my church is speaking on faith this month and so my focus lately in devotions is on Hebrews. The first revelation that God downloaded to me this month is that faith is not merely believing that He will do what He has promised to do. Faith isn’t just the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I say ‘just’ with a grain of salt. After all, the…

  • box
    Box,  Featured,  Limiting God

    The God Box and How to Let Him Out

    I imagine everyone has a box inside their minds in which their ideas of God fit nicely. I know that my God box existed, for the most part, completely unconsciously in an unexamined part of my soul. After all, trying to understand who God is a strenuous activity for most of us. I think that for myself, my earliest imaginings turned the idea that man is made in the image of God completely around. I believed, without recognizing that I thought this, that God was just like a man, only much, much larger. My box was designed to keep God safe and knowable. This is a childish view, of course, but…

  • Voices
    Featured,  God's voice

    Three Voices We Often Mistake for God

    Learning how to discern God’s voice is no easy task in the life-long spiritual walk of a believer. Some voices are pretty easy to weed out of the cacophony of voices that talk at us, to us, or around us throughout our day. After all, any seasoned disciple of Christ knows to compare what a particularly persuasive voice is saying with what the Bible says.  But not all voices are easy to separate from the herd, in particular, the ones that come from within ourselves. While most people would be willing to admit that God is probably larger and more powerful than we generally give Him credit for, many aren’t necessarily…