• magical thinking

    Magical Thinking versus a Firm Faith

    Magical thinking is a trap into which many fall, particularly when difficult circumstances hit. When I was married to my first husband, a typical narcissistic abuser, I regularly fooled myself into thinking that eventually he would mature out of that stage and morph into a responsible, loving adult. Because of this magical thinking, I dedicated much prayer towards this end, and I closed myself off from what was real. In the process, I endangered both my children and myself. And magical thinking is not merely applied to relational desires. I think money is an area in which I know I tend to use magical thinking rather than taking responsibility. Weight…

  • Faith,  Miracles,  Peace,  Walking on water

    Courting Miracles: Instructions for Walking on Water

    The problem with miracles, I have found, is that they are easy to forget.  Already I hear dissent.  Unbelievers like to claim that if they were to truly witness a miracle, then and only then would they lay down their unbelief.  But in my experience, miracles don’t even make believers believe.  Consider the Hebrews.  The Red Sea parted for them, and they were led by a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day.  Bread rained down on them. Tangible corporate miracles and yet, no heart change was evident, and only two of the original generation set foot in the Promised Land. I first noticed this tendency for…