• divorcing
    abuse,  Adversity,  dissociation,  Narcissism,  narcissist,  narcissistic abuse,  narcissists

    Divorce and Your Abuser: Taking the Long Road Home

    Divorce is not the short cut society pretends it is.  I am a person who likes to be efficient with my energy so I am always looking for life hacks. But God, despite my preferences, has led me the long way round over and over.  I am currently reading through the Bible through the eyes of John Wesley, truly an exercise in taking the long way. But reading through Exodus 13, I finally understood why it was that my routes through life appear so circuitous. The Hebrews are preparing themselves for an escape from slavery. They make their preparations and sacrifices. And Jehovah leads them in a puzzling direction.                …

  • parental alienation
    Abusive Parenting,  Childhood,  narcissist,  narcissistic abuse,  parenting

    Parental Alienation: 6 Signs It’s Happening to You

    Many couples in the midst of an acrimonious divorce toss around the term, parental alienation, to describe the effects of one parent badmouthing another. This often happens when one person seems particularly at fault in a divorce. I think everyone can agree that criticizing one parent to a child is unhealthy at best and abusive at worst. But this isn’t parental alienation. I recently heard about a four-year-old boy whose mother had left him and his father unexpectedly. Understandably both were devastated. Understandably the father felt a need to process this. He would launch into his rehearsal of the sudden separation and divorce and almost as if on cue, his…

  • Post Narcissist Stress Disorder
    healing,  Narcissism,  PTSD,  Self Awareness

    Post Narcissist Stress Disorder: 3 Signs You Suffer

    Post Narcissist Stress Disorder is a relatively new addition to the DSM. It is also an ironic one, given that Narcissistic Personality Disorder was removed from the same volume in 2013 to the protests of the majority of psychologists who know anything about the disorder. But academics aside, Post Narcissistic Stress Disorder is a diagnosis here to stay. The narcissists who abound in today’s society will see to it. The emotional trauma one endures with a narcissist is severe. Some survivors must struggle with symptoms similar to soldiers returning from war. The levels of abuse endured in a relationship with a narc can cause traumas as severe, though without the…