• change
    Narcissism,  narcissist,  narcissistic abuse

    Can Narcissists Change? The Answer is Complicated

    Everybody wants narcissists to change, except the narcissists themselves, generally. Like most mental illnesses, narcissism exists on a spectrum. We all have some narcissistic traits which we either grow out of or perhaps use to our benefit. I think most writers have something of an ego. After all, we think we have things to write which we think others ought to read. And nothing feels better than a complimentary reader. The real trick is determining if the narcissist in your life has a personality disorder or if he or she is merely immature and self-absorbed. And often, the spouses have front row seats to the show and have to determine…

  • healed
    Featured,  healing,  Narcissism,  narcissist

    How God Healed 1 Narcissist in the Bible

    I often get asked if God can heal a narcissist. My answer is sometimes hard for people to accept. When I say that narcissists don’t change, I mean it. The pushback I often get is that all things are possible with God, even a narcissist being healed. So in this post, I want to qualify my answer about whether narcissists change and what God can or will do about it. But before we talk about anyone being healed, I first have to define a few things. Narcissistic behavior differs from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. We all have had times where we blame others for that which we ourselves are responsible for.…