• objectification
    Abundant Life,  Faith,  Relationship with God

    Objectification: 5 Kinds that Harm our Faith

    Objectification, for most of my life, meant little more to me than car ads with beautiful women and calling pretty girls hot tamales. I knew it was bad in a vague sort of way without connecting it to myself. It wasn’t until I saw a therapist years after my divorce from a narcopath that I began to see that I had turned myself into an object. A good object, but still an object. My therapist looked at me dead on and said one of the most significant things anyone has ever said to me. Alice, you are not a tool. It dawned on me then as it still occasionally dawns…

  • Mary and Martha
    Mary and Martha

    Mary and Martha: What We Misunderstand as Women

    The Mary and Martha paradigm precipitated a landslide of books that subtly or not so subtly shamed women who worry about everything they need to get done. I don’t know about you, but I know that whenever I think of Martha, I get the impression Jesus disapproved. I can’t help but identify with Martha sometimes because, well, I get busy. Even my prayer times consist of lists. And part of me wants to tell Mary to get off her tush and help Martha out. Then my 21st-century mentality rises to the surface and thinks, Why aren’t the men helping out? My basic issue with the current Mary and Martha paradigm…