• Abandonment,  Contempt,  Toxic

    The Treachery of Contempt: Killing Each Other Softly

    My first brush with contempt happened in sixth grade.  A new boy enrolled in the tiny Lutheran private school I attended.  I knew how hard it is to break into a new school, so I tried to be nice to him, to make him feel welcome. For whatever reason, he responded to my friendliness by calling me an unspeakable name.  I still remember the moment for a number of reasons.  Firstly, no one ever called me a name like that before this.  Secondly, the sexually explicit term he called me felt like an assault.  I felt the hurt all over my body. You have heard that it was said to…

  • Door to freedom from anxiety
    Anxiety,  Fear,  Imaginative Prayer

    Three Methods that Helped Me Conquer Anxiety

    I became aware of my anxiety, ironically, when suddenly I had less to fear.  I found myself a single mother of four wonderful daughters and free of a narcissistic and cruel ex-husband.  I was so used to feeling numb that when I began to reconnect with my emotions, all the fear I lived with for years came to the surface. My approach to life, similar to my father’s, is to get a few books on a topic and begin to educate myself, but somehow specific methods for curing anxiety proved elusive. The one thing that kept popping up in my research is that the brain is plastic, and we have…

  • fish
    Fishers of Men,  Self-awareness,  strongholds

    The Fish in Your Dark Subconscious Sea

    Large bodies of water are heavy with mystery. Under the surface live strange creatures, both comic and terrifying.  Movies show monsters, though more common are the schools of shimmering fish that fill dinner plates.  But the sea is often a metaphor for our own minds, our will, and emotions battling under the surface of our societal mask. So when Jesus tells His disciples to cast their nets on the right side of their boat, He is speaking a metaphor into their lives. Often we default to the line about Jesus making his disciples fishers of men, but this is not the only context in which Jesus speaks of fishing.  In…