• pray
    Practice,  prayer,  Prayers,  relationship to God,  Relationship with God

    The One Person I Forget to Pray For

    It seems strange to admit that I rarely pray for myself. As a list-maker, I found that creating prayer lists and assigning them to certain days really helps me get focused. Every day of the week is dedicated to a different group of people. Mondays I reserve for my husband, Tuesdays for my children and so on. But recently the Lord convicted me of prayerlessness. I was a bit astonished. After all, I pray for my country, my family, my church, etc. with regularity. I can’t go to bed at night without making sure I hit everyone on that day’s list. Except there is one person I rarely intercede for.…

  • amygdala
    Anxiety,  Featured

    Your Amygdala and Jesus: Setting Your Brain Free

    The amygdala, part of your limbic system, is responsible for the flight or fight impulse. For most of us, we simply think this means that some of us are fighters and others of us freeze like deer in the headlights. This grossly oversimplifies the complexity of our responses to danger. In actuality, we each develop a variety of responses to situations, both internal and external. And since our amygdala is often thought to be the seat of our anxiety, we should get to know that part of our brain. In inner healing circles, we call the amygdala “the guardian”. Andrew Miller, who runs Heart Sync Ministries, really pioneered this way…

  • solitude

    Redefining Solitude: Facing the Dark Mirrors

    Solitude is the most misunderstood spiritual discipline in our toolbox of Christian practices. As with every spiritual method, solitude has become twisted into shapes that bear no resemblance to the real work of solitude, the facing of our own selves in the mirror of our souls. This revelation is somewhat new to me, and yet not. My first foray into the realms of real seclusion of the mind and heart came with the knowledge of the inner court ritual as a pattern for prayer. The priests in Solomon’s temple engaged in a prayerful mindfulness every time they gazed at themselves in the bronze lavers and made confession throughout their day.…