• Door to freedom from anxiety
    Anxiety,  Fear,  Imaginative Prayer

    Three Methods that Helped Me Conquer Anxiety

    I became aware of my anxiety, ironically, when suddenly I had less to fear.  I found myself a single mother of four wonderful daughters and free of a narcissistic and cruel ex-husband.  I was so used to feeling numb that when I began to reconnect with my emotions, all the fear I lived with for years came to the surface. My approach to life, similar to my father’s, is to get a few books on a topic and begin to educate myself, but somehow specific methods for curing anxiety proved elusive. The one thing that kept popping up in my research is that the brain is plastic, and we have…

  • broken,  inner healing,  Inner Vows,  judgment,  promises,  strongholds,  unforgiveness

    Promises You Should Definitely Break

    I believe that it is a common phenomenon among parents that if they seem to agree to something, a child will take that as a definite promise.  That child will then move heaven and earth in order to hold his or her parent’s feet to the fire regarding the so-called promises.  But promises are a serious matter, of more weight than a child’s willfulness.  Promises are sacred, after all, which is why we make them publicly very infrequently. Making promises to oneself seems like a good thing.  After all, each of us fights the battle of daily discipline.  And on the occasion that we fail to live up to our…

  • Heart filled with sunshine
    answers to prayer,  Forgiveness,  Heart,  Imaginative Prayer,  prayer,  relationship,  Self Awareness

    Baby Heart Revival: A Transforming Miracle

    The third grade daughter of a friend of mine had a hurting heart.  Childhood depression isn’t always obvious, but this little girl was very introverted, always looked ragged, and was unaffectionate and disconnected from her mother.  In fact, she would hiss at her if she tried to hug her.  Childhood depression is hard to treat because eight is too young to experiment with medication, and generally, children aren’t self-aware enough to get a lot out of counseling.  But children have one advantage over adults, and that is that they are still connected to their youngest selves. Adults can have a difficult time accessing their inner child, but an eight year…