• answers to prayer,  healing,  miracle,  relationship to God,  strongholds

    A Miracle of Healing: Belief not Required

    I do not watch a lot of television.  My parents got rid of theirs when I was in the fourth grade, and it forever weaned me from passive entertainment.  I became a reader instead.  So it was with some desperation that I found myself watching, of all things, the 700 Club on CBN past midnight nearly thirty years ago in the living room of my apartment on the campus of the university I was attending.  The host spoke of a healing miracle. Nearly six months previous I had been in a fairly severe car accident.  While I was stopped at a red light, I was rear-ended by a car going…

  • basket,  Grace,  light,  names of God,  Revelation,  Strong tower,  Tower

    At the Foot of the Strong Tower; a Revelation of Light

    My youngest calls me by my first name.  Many mothers would find this disrespectful, but it is needs must with us.  You see, I don’t always answer to Mom.  I’m a writer, and so I spend a lot of my time in the whirl of ideas in my head.  For some reason, the word, Mom, doesn’t always pierce my consciousness. But float out the name, Alice, and my attention is yours.  I have been a parent of six for thirty years, so I have no excuse or reason why this would be so.  Fortunately God is not as scatterbrained as I am, and He has names for us to call…

  • Imagination,  Imaginative Prayer,  prayer,  relationship to God

    Imagination and Prayer: How to Encounter Jesus

    I still remember the river we saw while on vacation in Yosemite my junior year of high school.  The river’s perfectly clear waters shot past in a narrow channel, about hip deep. The icy cold chilled my parent’s feet as well as my brother’s, and mine as we sat on the edge.  My mother, brother, and I decided to jump in.  The cold rushed over me and after a few minutes, I got out shivering, but with the endorphin rush that comes from a dunk in freezing water.  The memory of that state of well-being has stayed with me my whole life. I felt fully alive at that moment and…