• Boundaries,  Boundary Lines,  family,  relationship,  self worth

    Six Toxic Responses to Boundaries

    Toxic people dislike boundaries the way my cats hate a closed door. They figure it is their right to come and go as they please. The ripped up carpet and scratches on my door attest to their utter determination to have their way. The cats, that is. Toxic people usually damage far more than just a rug and a couple of doors. I suppose learning how to erect healthy boundaries always includes a learning curve. I, for one, did not anticipate the ruthlessness and perseverance with which toxic people attempt to discredit, tear down, and generally disrespect boundaries. But I have learned to spot the usual toxic strategies. I can’t…

  • Mary
    Bible Characters,  Christmas,  obedience,  obeying God,  Shame & Guilt,  Spiritual Maturity

    What’s So Extraordinary about Mary?

    I have often heard it said in church circles that the Catholic church makes too much of Mary while the Protestant arm of the body makes too little. Not until I really looked into the life and decisions of Mary did I begin to realize how subversive, brave, and significant Mary is to the church, particularly women. She contributes some incredibly important and often overlooked encouragement to the role of women within the church. 1: Mary accepts God’s call on her life without consulting the men in her life. Mary doesn’t ask Gabriel to wait while she consults Joseph on this new development. She must be well aware that becoming…

  • dangerous
    relationship,  Self-awareness,  Self-Destructive,  Spiritual Growth

    How to Spot Dangerous People

    When it comes to dangerous people, I am not particularly naïve. However, I can be gullible. So time and error have taught me some signs to look for in new acquaintances. I am not constitutionally able to walk around with a cold reserve. My somewhat extroverted nature is to love everyone I come in contact with. Unfortunately, this playful demeanor of mine gets me into trouble if I am not careful. It is as if I wear a sign, “Narcissists Welcome”. I remember a conversation I had with my step-daughter, Amy. The guy she was dating had a lot of dangerous characteristics. He was quite open about them, as many…