• Contentment,  Desire

    Four Keys to Contentment: This Present Life

    Contentment is a radical choice these days. Our culture is consumer-based which means that the world continually reminds us of what we do not have. We follow wealthy celebrities in part to experience wealth vicariously. We almost always believe we could handle it better than the shallow but beautiful people who live out their private moments in front of a camera. Contentment is not merely radical these days; it is immoral. If we are not constantly striving to be more, have more, and have a greater impact, then we are copping out. The rat race is a moral imperative for many. I see so many couples working so hard to…

  • hurricane harvey
    Mass Trauma

    Hurricane Harvey: The Collective Trauma of Houston

    I have never experienced a mass trauma like Hurricane Harvey before, but I recognize the symptoms. Everyone experiences trauma in their lives, though usually individually rather than a collective trauma like a natural disaster. A car accident, a sudden death or loss of a loved one, or even just moving across the country to somewhere completely unfamiliar can bring on the symptoms of trauma. We know instinctively what trauma feels like but a complete definition can help bring some clarity. Helpguide.org describes the symptoms of trauma like this: Emotional & psychological symptoms: Shock, denial, or disbelief. Confusion, difficulty concentrating. Anger, irritability, mood swings. Anxiety and fear. Guilt, shame, self-blame. Withdrawing…

  • Hem of His Garment

    3 Instructions on How to Touch the Hem of His Garment

    Today is the day to come to Jesus and touch the hem of His garment. Isolation, from others or from God, due to negative emotions such as shame or grief, often leave us enduring a kind of perpetual anxiety. We need contact with God and with others in order to feel safe and loved.  The story of the woman with the issue of blood is a case in point.  She was ‘unclean’ due to the physical issue she suffered.  Ritual impurity is not something we identify with in our society, but the aspect of shame and isolation is.  Our negative emotions flow from us, defiling others. In those days, no…