• decluttering
    decluttering,  emotions,  Featured,  Holy Spirit,  temple

    Keys to Decluttering Our Souls

    Decluttering our souls with all sorts of negative thoughts and emotions doesn’t come easily. When I lived in Houston, road rage was… well, all the rage. The news constantly reported women getting out of their cars in order to physically attack one another.  In one almost comic plot twist, a man stole the car of one of the brawling women.  After all, she left the car running in her haste to bring it home to the woman who offended her.  But road rage isn’t that uncommon, although thankfully, yielding to its siren call is less usual.  But anger at the jerk who cut in front of you, endangering your passengers…

  • abuse,  abuser,  Fear,  lies,  Pharisee,  reconcile,  relationship,  relationship to God,  spiritual

    The Spiritual Abuser: The Five Lies They Tell

    At thirteen years old, in eighth grade, I became the victim of a spiritual abuser. I just didn’t realize it for years. I attended confirmation classes in my church and sang in the choir, rang bells in the handbell choir, and participated in the youth group.  Ardent for the Lord, I led my youth group in a twenty-four-hour prayer vigil. But I was also vulnerable and awkward.  Too tall too fast and prone to saying the wrong thing, I carried a full contingent of insecurities.  So when my mother’s prayer partner and friend, (I will call her Gladys) cornered me one day after I had babysat her children for an…

  • confession,  Forgiveness,  freedom,  Heart,  Self Awareness,  Self-forgiveness,  Shame & Guilt

    Three Questions That Lead to Self Forgiveness

    After a decade of no contact, my sixteen year old daughter lived with her father for about six months.  While I didn’t sleep a full night during that time, she seemed happy for the first three.  After that, things began to go south rather quickly, and soon, she came home, to both of our relief.  One day soon after, while we were at the grocery store, she mentioned that her whole life she had assumed that our divorce was her fault.  She had never mentioned this to me, the idea that somehow my divorce from an abuser could be laid at her feet.  But before I could begin my strenuous objections…