• confession,  freedom,  Imaginative Prayer,  mindfulness,  prayer,  relationship,  Self Awareness,  Shame & Guilt

    Mindfulness and Confession: Reflections in the Mirror

    Mindfulness, in the early stages of my Christianity, did not exist, though I sure knew about confession.  I believed the truest thing about me was a list of all my sins.  And as a person for whom shame was a way of being, the idea of confessing my sins to someone else besides God seemed impossible. To begin with, I couldn’t even share my feelings with others, much less those faults and weaknesses I perceived in myself.  I could barely admit my feelings to myself, much less others.  I remember at one point listing out all of my transgressions on a sheet of paper and presenting them to God.  I…

  • abuse
    abuse,  abuser,  Abusive Parenting

    Child Abuse: How God Healed a Tragic Story

    Abuse has effects that can take years to heal if they ever do. I know that for, me, healing from abuse has taken quite a journey of searching. And so I have a confession to make. Good stories make me weep. At the movies, I am a crier. My healing journey from abuse has made me susceptible to emotions of all kinds. My kids like to watch me watch a movie. They nudge their elbow into each other’s sides and nod their heads in my direction the moment a tear starts to slip down my cheek.  I hold off as long as I can, but I don’t go into a…

  • confessions
    Featured,  Self Awareness,  Shame & Guilt

    Confessions of a Five Year Old Runaway

    My confessions start when I was very young. It all started with the maroon polyester pantsuit.  Feeling ugly and uncomfortable, I remember sitting on the sidewalk refusing to go anywhere in that garish monster of an outfit, wishing I could scrape the itchy thing off like Job’s boils.  And then the persistent diet of fried eggs in the morning.  Is anything worse than the viscous undercooked egg white slipping down the throat?  It became clear to me that it was time to part ways.  I filled the old stained Samsonite suitcase with all my belongings and somehow managed to haul it down the green shag-carpeted stairs of the tiny apartment…