
  • Featured,  God's voice,  mindfulness,  relationship to God,  Relationship with God,  Self-awareness

    Intimacy with God: 4 Touchstones

    Intimacy with God is often written about and far less often achieved. I have sometimes found myself tempted to apologize for my relationship with God. People have, at times, told me that they have tried and tried to have a relationship with God. Somehow it never works out for them. They believe that God only speaks to some people regularly. I feel pressured for an explanation. I never know what to say to that. At least not to their faces. I know that God wants to have a relationship with anyone willing to have one with Him. He says so in the Bible, often enough. “Ask, and it will be…

  • depersonalization
    Anxiety,  Mental Health,  mindfulness,  Self,  Self-Acceptance

    Depersonalization: Living Apart from Ourselves

    Depersonalization and derealization according to the definition that pops up in my Google feed: …involves a persistent or recurring feeling of being detached from one’s body or mental processes, like an outside observer of one’s life (depersonalization), and/or a feeling of being detached from one’s surroundings (derealization). Most people have episodes of depersonalization that occur sporadically throughout their lives. It is only when these are prolonged and begin to interfere with every day functioning that the professionals get involved. My observations on this topic are personal and not professional, though I have helped quite a few people identify and move through this phenomenon in ministry. The experts tell us that…

  • trusting
    mindfulness,  narcissistic abuse,  Self Awarebess,  Truthfulness

    Trusting Yourself Again After Narcissistic Abuse

    Trusting yourself to make good decisions when recovering from trauma related to abuse is a journey that takes a bit of time. I often hear from men and women who find themselves doubting themselves, unable to take risks in relationships and generally stuck in self-imposed isolation. Trusting one’s self after being trapped in an abusive relationship takes some intentionality and a bit of wisdom. Additionally, many of us receive a message from the church which further separates us from ourselves. If the world, the flesh, and the devil are our worst enemies, then we learn to shun the first, ignore the middle one (our flesh) and flee the last. But…