
  • person jumping from one cliff to another

    Praying Dangerously: Five Risky Requests

    Praying during our devotions can get repetitive. I have a lot of ground I need to cover each week, and sometimes I forget the essentials.  I don’t feel guilty about how many petitions I put before the Lord. But while I am praying, it is easy to focus on my burdens for myself and others. I want to make sure I am focusing on Him and what He might be saying. That said, I find that some requests I have made are a bit risky. I never know where the Lord might take me. But if we are serious about our faith walk, certain ways of praying must become defaults.…

  • Counseling,  emotional health,  Featured,  freedom,  Identity,  inner healing

    Five Ways to Contend for Your Recovery from Trauma

      Recovery from extended abuse is measured over a lifetime, though often it comes in fits and spurts. Revelations and aha moments come to those who are looking for them. I am often amused by the ‘unpopular opinion’ memes, but tonight I find myself holding one of my very own. More people avoid recovery than seek it. The world is filled with people who do not have the opportunity or means to heal, whether from extreme poverty, isolation, or even a lack of any spiritual or mental health resources. But this is not true of most people with whom I come into regular contact. And I get it. Confronting the…