
  • narcissism in the Bible

    Narcissism in the Bible: Definitions and Warnings

    While the Bible does not use the term, narcissism, the Bible does speak explicitly on the topic. A while back, a woman attacked me for using the term. She felt it was a Freudian term and that my use of it was frankly immoral. She did not really give me a chance to explain so I will do it here for the benefit of anyone reading this. Wikipedia, while sometimes an unreliable source, does have the origin of the term correct.  It reads: The term “narcissism” comes from the Greek myth about Narcissus (Greek: Νάρκισσος, Narkissos), a handsome Greek youth who, according to Ovid, rejected the desperate advances of the nymph Echo.…

  • betrayal

    Betrayal Trauma: Why It Hurts the Worst

    Betrayal comes in many different forms and the damage from each is often long-lasting. Breaking trust creates ripples that affect whole generations of people in the areas of culture, relationship, and communication. Future relationships can be undermined before they even begin when the foundations of trust become fractured. Individual recovery is not done alone in the case of betrayal trauma and if safe people cannot be found, recovery may not even be accomplished. What Betrayal Looks Like Betrayal trauma happens when a person or institution causes great harm to an individual or group of people, betraying the sacred nature of the original relationship. An example of this happened in my…

  • healed
    Featured,  healing,  Narcissism,  narcissist

    How God Healed 1 Narcissist in the Bible

    I often get asked if God can heal a narcissist. My answer is sometimes hard for people to accept. When I say that narcissists don’t change, I mean it. The pushback I often get is that all things are possible with God, even a narcissist being healed. So in this post, I want to qualify my answer about whether narcissists change and what God can or will do about it. But before we talk about anyone being healed, I first have to define a few things. Narcissistic behavior differs from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. We all have had times where we blame others for that which we ourselves are responsible for.…