• children

    Eight Signs Your Children Suffer from Trauma

    Childhood trauma can be hard to recognize if parents don’t educate themselves on what it looks and sounds like. Stories in the media abound about children, both young and older, who go public about the abuse they suffered. The common thread in these stories is the parents who look shell-shocked at what went on under their very noses. The latest scandal with so many young gymnasts abused at the hands of a trusted doctor highlights the need to be aware of how children who suffer trauma often act. I was painfully aware that my girls had suffered at the hands of their emotionally abusive and narcissistic father. But even I…

  • honor
    Boundaries,  Character,  family,  home environments,  relationship

    How to Protect Your Family’s Honor

    The idea of family honor is pretty old-fashioned, and in its older forms, even harmful. Family honor in the past consisted of creating a family mask that presented one face to the world while hiding dysfunctions within. But cultivating a culture of honor, real honor is actually crucial for creating a lasting marriage and familial relationships that are fulfilling. Family honor is not about the face presented to the world. Real honor is how well the members of a family treat each other. Honor is the act of valuing a person over things. When someone honks their horn at you rudely in traffic, or cuts in front of you in…

  • objectification
    Abundant Life,  Faith,  Relationship with God

    Objectification: 5 Kinds that Harm our Faith

    Objectification, for most of my life, meant little more to me than car ads with beautiful women and calling pretty girls hot tamales. I knew it was bad in a vague sort of way without connecting it to myself. It wasn’t until I saw a therapist years after my divorce from a narcopath that I began to see that I had turned myself into an object. A good object, but still an object. My therapist looked at me dead on and said one of the most significant things anyone has ever said to me. Alice, you are not a tool. It dawned on me then as it still occasionally dawns…